Generate Teaching Hub was created and launched in September 2021, commissioned by the Department for Education in March 2021 to support the professional development of teachers and leaders across Halton, Warrington and Wigan.
Working alongside 86 other new hubs across England, we provide a local centre of professional development excellence for teacher development. We are tasked with delivery services such as the new Early Career Framework and National Professional Qualifications, but also to understand local teacher development needs and assist partners – local and national – in meeting those needs.
All our activity is underpinned by a desire to be a catalyst for teacher development in our area, supporting the provision of high-quality training and services that underpin a teacher’s career from entry in the profession through to executive leadership. Our approach is three-fold:
Generating Improvement We actively instigate and support progress in schools by encouraging innovation, starting new activities and inspiring continual improvement in teaching practice.
Generating Collaboration We have a proactive attitude to communicating with a wide network of partners to sustain the sharing, learning and promotion of excellent practice.
Generating Learning We create local change, having an impact on improving outcomes for our schools, their staff and ultimately benefiting the children in our area.