Halton Schools – Apply for the Accelerator English Fund
Accelerator English Funding for Halton
This year (2022-23), the DfE is offering the Accelerator Fund for English programme to all state schools, (those who have not already had full partnership status with an English Hub) with priority being given to those schools in Priority Education Investment Areas (PEIAs) and Education Investment Areas (EIAs). Halton is a Priority Education Investment Area.
This scheme is to assist schools in purchasing training and resources for a DfE accredited Systematic Synthetic Phonics programme (SSP). The poster below provides more details.
Schools can register interest for this programme by complete a self-referral form with the English Hubs.
When the self-referral form has been received St John Vianney English Hub will be in contact to discuss your eligibility and next steps.
Priority will also be given to schools who match the following criteria:
- Lower than the national average percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in Phonics Screening Check in their most recent results
- A higher than average proportion of children reading below age-related expectations
- A higher than average proportion of children eligible for pupil premium
- Ofsted judgement of Requires Improvement or Inadequate
- A high proportion of groups considered hard to reach, such as EAL, FSM, travellers, etc.
- Schools referred by local partners (eg. NLEs, RSCs, LADs, EIA teams/boards)
Accelerator Funding support includes:
- An English Hub Audit
- Between 1-3 Literacy Specialist support days (at English Hub’s discretion)
- Schools not in an EIA – up to £6000 funding to purchase a DfE accredited SSP programme (50% match funding)
- Schools in an EIA – up to £9000 funding to purchase a DfE accredited SSP programme (25% match funding)
- Schools in a Priority EIA – up to £9000 funding to purchase a DfE accredited SSP programme (No match funding)
For more information view the poster or contact St John Vianney English Hub direct on englishhub@sjvprimary.co.uk / 01253 543872.