Apply for the Early Years Experts & Mentors Programme
Accessing Support for Early Years Settings
Applications are now open for support to Early Years settings from September 2024.
The Experts and Mentors Early Years Covid-19 Recovery Programme from the Department for Education is focused on supporting Early Years practitioners and leaders, to address the impact of the pandemic on the youngest children.
The programme is available nationally, across England, until July 2024.
Generate Teaching Hub’s EYFS Lead Amanda Quirk is the coordinator of this programme in Warrington.
Early Years practitioners, leaders and whole settings are offered bespoke support, delivered both face-to-face and virtually, which can include leadership support, coaching for leaders, mentoring for practitioners and whole-setting support. The Experts and Mentors who will be matched to settings are local, experienced early years professionals.
Which settings are eligible for this programme?
The programme will support Private Voluntary or Independent (PVI) nursery settings, maintained nursery schools and school-based nurseries. Settings must fit at least one of the following criteria:
- Have been judged as Requires Improvement (RI) or inadequate by Ofsted in the last 3 years.
- Have high numbers of children in receipt of EY Pupil Premium.
- Have high numbers of children with SEND needs.
- Have high numbers of children taking up the disadvantaged 2-year-old offer
Please note, this programme will not support reception year or Childminders at this time.
What are the benefits of joining this programme?
Settings will receive the free support of fellow early years professionals, who are passionate about supporting others to improve practice and outcomes for children. They will also gain the opportunity to develop working relationships and network with others who have the common aim of improving standards for children following the Covid-19 pandemic. This includes DfE, local authorities, our delivery partner for the programme Pen Green Research Centre, and early years professionals from other settings.
How to apply for support from the programme
Applications for support for the Autumn term 2023 are open; go to this website for full details and a link to apply.