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Appropriate Body January Update

Jan 16, 2024

Appropriate Body January Update

Thank you to all the ECTs, Induction Tutors and Headteachers who submitted their Progress Reviews and Assessments at the end of last term. The vast majority were submitted on time and able to be considered by our Appropriate Body Board within the correct time frames.

We have a team of AB Assessors who read every Progress Review and Assessment to check on an ECT’s progress and quality assure and moderate the content of reports.

Good Practice Tips

The AB Assessors, who form part of the Appropriate Body Board, would like to highlight some of the good practice that was evident in many reports:

  • Clear explicit reference to the Teachers’ Standards indicating where progress was being made.
  • Examples of evidence used effectively to support progress towards meeting Teachers’ Standards.
  • Reference to development points from past Progress Reviews/Assessments showed how progress was being made, and practice developed, from previous terms.
  • Although concise, reports had detailed evaluative accounts of the ECT’s progress which focused on the impact on pupils.
  • ECT comments were reflective and focused on progress made, support in school and development points which aligned with those listed by the induction tutor.

Why Might a Submission Not Be Approved?

In some cases, reports were not initially approved by Assessors, due to a lack of information about the ECT’s progress.

Where reports were very brief and did not reference Teachers’ Standards, induction tutors were asked to provide further information.

There are a number of guides available on ECT Manager in the Resources Section to support with this. If you require any further help in writing reviews and assessments, we are happy to help so do let us know.

Spring Term Submission Dates

Most Progress Reviews and Assessments will be due, once again, at the end of the Spring Term.

However, if you have an ECT that is part-time or started mid-term, their submission dates will be different. All dates for each ECT are available on ECT Manager.

Induction Tutors Are Amazing!!

Thank you for all of your hard work in supporting your ECT.

We know that the role of Induction Tutor is often one of many assigned to a teacher and we appreciate the time and importance that you give this.

Our AB Team are looking forward to visiting more ECTs and Induction Tutors in their schools, this term.

During last half term, it was a privilege to spend time discussing the ECF Induction and finding out about the good practice and some innovative work being done to support our teachers at the very start of their career.

Finally, please do contact Cath O’Neill, AB Co-ordinator, if you require any support

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