Computing CPD Summer Term
Computing CPD Summer Term 2024
In Halton and Warrington schools can access a range of computer training from Warrington and Merseyside Computing Hub – both remote and in person – during the summer term:
- An Introduction to algorithms, programming and data in computer science
- An introduction to algorithms, programming and data in GCSE computer science
- An introduction to computer systems, networking and security in GCSE computer science
- Assessment and progression in KS3 computing
- Assessment of primary computing
- Computing Quality Framework – driving change within your primary school – short course
- Developing and supporting programming within your primary school
- Foundation knowledge of computer science for KS3 and GCSE
- Getting started in Year 4
- Higher attainment in computer science – meeting the challenges of the exams
- Inclusive Computing in Primary Schools
- Introduction to primary computing
- Introduction to the micro:bit in key stage 2
- KS4 computing for all
- Leading primary computing – module 1
- Online safety through primary computing
- Physical computing kit – KS2 Crumble
- Physical computing kit – KS3 micro:bit
- Physical computing kit – KS4 Raspberry Pi Pico
- Physical computing kits – KS1 BeeBots
- Physical computing kits – KS2 data loggers
- Python programming constructs: sequencing, selection and iteration – face to face
- Solving computational problems in KS3 computing
- Supporting GCSE computer science students at grades 1-3
- Teaching GCSE computer science pedagogy for programming – face to face
- Teaching programming using Scratch and Scratch Jr