Core Maths Work Group in Wigan
Core Maths Work Group in Wigan
- Do you have a BIG IDEA in Core Maths?
- Is there something you want to CHANGE about your Core Maths teaching?
- Is there something EXTRA you want to include in your C0re Maths teaching?
Maths Hub NW3 are running a Core Maths Work Group for secondary teachers in our region to share ideas, learn about others’ ideas and collaborate by visiting other Core Maths teachers’ lessons/schools & colleges to work together on a project.
To join please complete the expression of interest form here.
Using a Work Group model of professional development participation will require some time off-timetable and some short after-school meetings, sessions will be practical and the organisers want to focus on what Core Maths teachers actually want to learn.
Alongside some personal preparation time a typical schedule of activity might look like this:
January – May 2022:
- Initial meeting to plan and design projects (2 hours: afternoon release required)
- Progress meetings (1 hour, twilight x 2)
- Shared teaching with Work Group colleague (am / pm release required)
- Summary meetings (1 hour, twilight x 2)
The organiser is Martin Bamber, Area Coordinator, Area Coordinator, Advanced Mathematics Support Programme, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Liverpool, contact
If you or your school want to be kept informed of Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP) activities click here