Curriculum Hubs News July 2024
Curriculum Hubs Updates
There are a number of curriculum hubs funded by the DfE to provide schools with CPD, resources, guidance and research on several core subjects across all phases and specialisms.
All hubs are listed on our website with information and links.
Early Years Stronger Practice Hub
The new Early Years Strong Practice Hub for Liverpool City Region and Beyond has published a large programme of funded CPD for EYFS staff in schools, nurseries, PVIs and childminders.
The full summer term programme can be accessed from here with details of online and in-person events across the region.
Join their mailing list and subscribe to get all information promptly and view their website for more event details.
Making an impact with Core Maths
The NCETM share why one of the country’s largest post-16 colleges has introduced Core Maths.
Luton Sixth Form College is the oldest sixth form college in the country and is one of the largest, with over 3,000 students. But with high A-level pass rates and an excellent progress score, senior leaders at the college need to be sure that any new qualification introduced is a positive addition to its post-16 provision.
It was within this context that head of maths, Graeme Austin, set about making his case for introducing Core Maths to leaders and, more importantly, ensuring it would be a success.
Oracy in the Maths Classroom
Listen in on Part 1 of a discussion with Kathleen McBride, Voice 21 and Jane Hawkins, NCETM’s Secondary Team and Jurassic Maths Hub, the NCETM use Voice 21’s Oracy Framework for schools and teachers to discuss:
- The definition of Oracy.
- Oracy’s significance for students’ mathematical development, behaviour and overall well-being.
- The role of Research and Innovation Work Groups (RIWGs) in exploring Oracy’s impact in classrooms.
Maths For Halton Schools
Maths Hub Cheshire and Wirral have 4 main programmes open to Halton primary and secondary schools:
- Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics (Primary ECT) Programme.
- Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics (Secondary ECT) Programme.
- Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics (Secondary Non-specialist Teachers) Programme.
- Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics (Secondary Teaching Assistants) Programme.
To find out more and register interest download the PDF leaflet.
RE MAT Leads Forum
Read the latest RE Hub Semmer 2024 newsletter.