Early Career Teacher News July 2024
Cohort Information for all ECTs for July 2024
This news page is for all Early Career Teachers registered with Generate Teaching Hub in July 2024.
September 2023 Cohort
Please see date, location and times of your Year 2 Welcome Conference HERE
We are busy planning Year 2 of your programme and we are looking forward to supporting you further as your training becomes phase or subject specific. Thank you to all the ECTs who have already informed us of the subject or phase that they are teaching next year. If you have not yet submitted your information, please let us know by completing this form. This will ensure that you are placed in the correct cohort for your Year 2 training.
Module 6 – How Can You Design a Coherent Curriculum?
You will complete the first year of your ECF programme by taking a closer look at curriculum design and creating a coherent curriculum for your pupils.
Sequencing concepts, knowledge and skills across the curriculum is highly complex and challenging but, when done effectively has a massive impact on outcomes for pupils. Throughout the year, you have developed mental models with your pupils that they can link through a coherent curriculum. Well done!
Your final seminar of Module 6 will focus on supporting pupils to think critically. Critical thinking is a key skill for everyone to develop. You will consider how knowledge supports critical thinking and how to support pupils to transfer learning. What does this look like in your subject/phase? How do you plan for critical thinking opportunities?
Statutory Induction
Before the end of term, your first Formal Assessment will be completed and submitted to our Appropriate Body Board via ECT Manager. This is an opportunity for your induction tutor to report on the progress you are making, towards meeting each of the Teachers’ Standards. There is a section at the end of the assessment form for you to reflect and comment on your progress. It’s important that you complete this in detail, highlighting your strengths and areas for future development, and confirming that you have received your entitlements as an ECT. There are some good examples in the Resources Section of ECT Manager to support you in completing your Formal Assessment form.
January 2024 Cohort
Module 4 – How can you use assessment and feedback to greatest effect?
Your ECF training this half term develops your understanding of how to plan and respond to pupil misconceptions. You will look at how to design effective questions which enable you to make valid informative inferences. You will also consider how to use pupil feedback to adapt and respond to their understanding and decide next steps.
So…what makes assessment effective? Have a look at the work of Rob Coe, who is the expert for this module. Remember, assessment needs to be driven by purpose – why are you asking what you are asking? What do you want to find out?
Your seminar will have a deeper focus on hinge questions and how you can use these effectively to identify misconceptions. What common misconceptions have occurred in your classroom? How did you address them? Have considered common misconceptions in your planning? Lots to think about!
Statutory Induction
Your next Progress Review is due to be completed before the end of this term. This is an opportunity for your induction tutor to report on the progress you are making, towards meeting the Teachers’ Standards. There is a section at the end of the review for you to reflect and comment on your progress It’s important that you complete this in detail, highlighting your strengths and areas for future development, and confirming that you have received your entitlements as an ECT. There are some good examples in the Resources Section of ECT Manager to support you in completing your form.
April 2024 Cohort
Module 2 – Avoiding Working Memory Overload
Your ECF training this half term, looks at the role of memory in pupil learning. In your first seminar, you will build further on your understanding of working and long-term memory and develop key strategies to use in the classroom to ensure you are managing the cognitive load of your pupils. You’ll consider the use of combining verbal and graphical representations and, along with worked and partially worked examples.
•Do you use these already?
•How effective are they?
“The key is to try to get students to think about what we want them to remember.”
Benjamin Riley
It can be easy to present too much information to pupils so that what we really want them to remember gets lost in the processing of everything else. Definitely food for thought!
Statutory Induction
Your first Progress Review is due to be completed before the end of this term. This is an opportunity for your induction tutor to report on the progress you are making, towards meeting the Teachers’ Standards. There is a section at the end of the review for you to reflect and comment on your progress It’s important that you complete this in detail, highlighting your strengths and areas for future development, and confirming that you have received your entitlements as an ECT. There are some good examples in the Resources Section of ECT Manager to support you in completing your form.
Year 2 ECTs
Development Cycle 6 – Developing a Coherent Curriculum
We know that a coherent curriculum is important for developing pupils’ mental models of key concepts over time, so the purpose of this seminar is to support you to plan and teach your curriculum as a whole, rather than isolated units of work.
You’ll look at how a foundational concept is sequenced in your subject or phase, considering the links between units and how these support pupils to build understanding. Using your own curriculum road map for your subject, key stage and school, you’ll identify and highlight where a foundational concept occurs, where it is revisited and consider how it is developed and built upon.
Statutory Induction
September 2022 Cohort
You will shortly complete your ECF training programme and your statutory induction. Well done! Before the end of term, your Final Assessment which reports on your progress in meeting the Teachers’ Standards will be submitted to our Appropriate Body Board. This will form the basis of the recommendation to the Teaching Regulation Agency for you to pass your induction.
There is an opportunity on the form for you to reflect and comment on your progress. It’s important that you complete this in detail, highlighting your strengths and areas for future development, and confirming that you have received your entitlements as an ECT. There are some good examples in the Resources
For any questions about your training or the ECF offer from Generate Teaching Hub please contact ecf@wpat.uk.