Education Staff Wellbeing Charter
Education Staff Wellbeing Charter
The DfE has published a charter for schools to recognise the importance of staff well being.
Created by a membership group consisting of schools, Ofsted, Unions and key support agencies, it is a declaration of support for and set of commitments to, the wellbeing and mental health of everyone working in education.
All state-funded schools and colleges are invited to consider the charter and to sign up, as a shared commitment to protect, promote and enhance the wellbeing of their staff.
Download the charter as a PDF document here.
It is a voluntary code and there is no deadline for schools to join.
The charter includes 12 commitments on education staff wellbeing by DfE and Ofsted and sets out 5 principles of shared understanding on the meaning and importance of wellbeing and everyone’s roles and responsibilities.
Schools can use the signing of the charter as the instigator of an open conversation with staff about their wellbeing and mental health; it can also guide staff wellbeing strategies.