English CPD for Halton & Warrington in 2022/23
English CPD for Halton & Warrington in 2022/23
Childer Thornton English Hub has expanded its support of schools in Warrington and Halton. They have a number of funded professional development programmes to assist schools with early language and reading.
The English Hubs can support Primary, Junior and Special Schools what ever their Ofsted rating.
Find out more by viewing this information leaflet.
There are also places available for English Leads to join a Reading for Please CPD programme starting 8th November at Springwood Heath Primary School L19 4TL.
Click here to find out more and book a place.
For any questions or further detail please contact the Childer Thornton team direct via Julian Tegg on jtegg@childerthornton.cheshire.sch.uk 0151 294 4731