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Impact of Teacher Strikes

Jan 25, 2023

Information on Planned NEU Strike Dates


It was announced on 16th January 2023 that the teacher’s Union, NEU, have balloted members about striking, and four dates were published that affected our area:

  • 1st February 2023
  • 28th February 2023
  • 15th March 2023
  • 16th March 2023

As a provider of professional development to teachers and education leaders in Halton, Warrington and Wigan, Generate Teaching Hub has a calendar of pre-booked events and activities set for all of the above dates.

We have therefore set some practical changes in place to ensure ALL colleagues can access their professional development. We will update this page if union announcements change the parameters of any strikes.

All individuals connected to our affected programmes – that is participants, facilitators and venues – have already been contacted individually. We will respond to any future changes to strike plans as they are known.


Early Career Framework

A number of our Early Career Framework seminars for Early Career Mentors and Early Career Teachers are affected, as seminars are due to take place on the 1st February, 28th February, 15th March and 16th March 2023.

Programme members with seminars scheduled on that day, will have received an email with a pre-recorded link from their area lead matching the topics they would have covered in a live session. They will then be able to watch the relevant session recording and have been given instructions on confirming they have viewed the sessions.

If a participant does not have this information, please contact the relevant person below:


National Professional Qualifications (NPQ)

ONLY the Autumn 2022 cohorts of NPQ Early Years Leadership and NPQ Senior Leadership operating in Halton, Warrington and Wigan will be affected by this strike action. Programme members have been notified of a change in delivery dates. Please contact if you have any questions regarding this.


Initial Teacher Training

Our School Direct programme continues on the strike dates. As per NASBTT guidance, our trainees are unsalaried and are therefore not employees. Trainees have been advised directly by our accredited provider with local guidance. If trainees have any further questions they should contact


Information updating changes due to teacher strikes
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