Language Hub GCSE Subject Briefings
Language Hub: GCSE Subject Briefings
Earlier in the year, the DfE confirmed changes to the French, German and Spanish GCSEs, in line with the 2016 MFL Pedagogy Review recommendations and 2021 Ofsted research review. The revised GCSEs are for first teaching from September 2024, with first exams in summer 2026. As a result, the NCELP has extended subject briefings.
The NCELP briefings are FREE online events aimed at developing Modern Foreign Language teachers’ understanding of the GCSE changes and draw out the implications for teaching and assessment, answering key questions and providing a springboard for any curriculum and pedagogy development planning.
The sessions will be held online Mondays 3.45-4.45pm, Wednesdays and Fridays 4-5pm from September to December 2022.