Long Term Strategy for Education Launched
A Long Term Plan for Education in England
An independent group – the Federation for Education Development (FED) – has launched a blue-print for a long term strategy for education in England.
Led by over 100 education professionals the FED has been conducting focus groups, listening to opinions and investigating evidence for setting an over arching long term plan to education.
Generate Teaching Hub, along with the other Teaching School Hubs, have contributed to discussions at a local level; we are supporting the Liverpool City Region as they learn from the consultation and begin to set their local plans for improving children and young people’s education.
The FED’s consultation report can be downloaded from their website.
The FED identifies 4 key building blocks to achieving a long term plan for education:
- A collaborative approach – There is much about education that is commonly agreed, even across different political parties, and the need to build on this and find a cross-party approach to education was a key theme. A spirit of genuine partnership across the education system needs to be fostered to achieve the changes required.
- A unified commitment – This is needed to solve the challenges facing our education system over the long-term, through the adoption of a long-term strategy and planning approach for education.
- New tools and processes – The FED’s consultations highlighted that the development of a new strategic education body could help empower politicians and the education system to deliver better outcomes for our country, helping to facilitate the active input of teachers, students, parents/carers, Trusts, employers, locally elected leaders, and all others with a stake in education.
- Refining the blueprint – The FED’s consultations have tested and examined policies and principles that can be used as guidance to help develop a long-term vision and strategic planning framework. We have captured the essence of this work in a draft education strategic planning framework, an initial version of which is shared in the Technical Annex of this report.
To learn more about the work of the FED or to contribute to its development contact them here , you can also sign up for their latest news.