Maths Training for Non-Specialist Secondary Teachers in Warrington
Maths Training for Non – Specialists Secondary Teachers in Warrington
Do you currently have non-specialists teaching in your maths department?
Want to give them the opportunity to hone their subject knowledge and classroom practice?
…Then the Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics programme is an ideal resource for your teachers. It is currently free to secondary schools in a number of regional areas including Warrington.
With the pressures of timetabling and the need to deploy staff flexibly, many secondary schools find that they have teachers teaching outside their specialism. This can mean teachers from a range of subject backgrounds teaching in maths departments, tackling complex topics and having to plan lessons with unfamiliar content.
The SKTM national professional development programme aims to provide non-specialist maths teachers with the specialist knowledge they need to support students to acquire mathematical understanding.
If you’d like to know more about the programme and its suitability for teachers in your school please see the attached flyer and short video
The next SKTM programme begins online in the Spring term and is FREE to join. Places are available on a first come first served basis and you can register your interest on our website here
For local questions and about Warrington’s Maths Hub resources and opportunities, visit Maths Hub Turing NW Maths Hub or contact .