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NW3 Maths Hub- BOOK NOW for a FREE Chris McGrane Workshop – 30th June @ Rainford High

Jun 8, 2022

NW3 Maths Hub BOOK NOW for a FREE Chris McGrane Workshop – 30th June @ Rainford High

After two and half years, NW3 Secondary CPD events are returning on THURSDAY 30th JUNE 4 – 6pm with a FREE CPD session delivered by Chris McGrane.

Chris is the creator of the popular website and is co-author (with Mark McCourt) of the excellent book: Mathematical Tasks – The Bridge Between Teaching and Learning

In the workshop NW3 Maths Hub will explore why tasks play a vital role in shaping pupils learning and their perceptions of mathematics and also consider how curriculum design centred around tasks can raise pupil attainment.

They will look at different frameworks for mathematical task design, look at what makes a ‘good task’ and encounter many examples and ideas to take away and use in the classroom.

The venue is Rainford High School, Higher Lane, Rainford, WA11 8NY.

The event is FREE of charge, for as many of your department as you would like to attend.

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