Specialist NPQs Update April 2024
Specialist NPQs Update for April & May 2024
Maximising Your NPQ
We are now offering all five specialist NPQs for teachers in Halton, Warrington and Wigan.
Our locally coordinated and delivered offer includes the new Leading Literacy and Leading Primary Maths programmes.
**Autumn 2024 NPQ Funding**
Recruitment for the Autumn 2024 cohorts will start soon.
The DfE have announced that funding for the next specialist NPQ cohort will mainly be targeted towards schools that work in areas of higher deprivation.
Funding will be limited but in summary all state schools will be eligible for fully-funded places on the NPQ in Leading Primary Maths.
For all other specialist NPQs, schools with the highest 50% of pupil premium pupils will be eligible for fully funded places, as well as early years and 16 to 19 educational settings identified as having high disadvantage.
The DfE are currently confirming access to the funded places and will re-open their online registration system to check eligibility in July.
Whilst eligibility has been set, availability of funded places will be limited. Early applications are required to have the opportunity of subsidised CPD.
To consider your specialist NPQ options and register intent to join a cohort in Autumn 2024 please view details of the courses here: https://generateteachinghub.org/npqs/specialist-npqs/
Generate Teaching Hub work with Best Practice Network and Teach First as national lead providers to quality assure and accredit all our NPQs.