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Mentor Support

Expert 1-to-1 Mentor Support for All Trainees

Our Mentor Team

Generate Teaching Hub School-Based Teacher Training has formed a team of expert and trained mentors to work alongside each Trainee in placement and for the whole academic year.

The team approach provides a range of professionals and a consistent voice who each understand the Trainee’s development and context.

The main mentor roles we deploy to support Trainees are:

  • Lead Mentor.
  • School-Based Mentors.
  • Class Based Mentors.
  • Academic Mentors.

Lead Mentor

From our core team, all Trainees on our School-Based Teacher Training programme are assigned to a Lead Mentor. This experienced teacher stays with the Trainee throughout the year, providing a consistent professional voice and support to the Trainee through their placement.

The Lead Mentor has an excellent understanding of the requirements of each placement. They ensure the monitoring and moderating of the Trainee across all placements. This provides consistency and a high level of developmental support.

School Based Mentors

Every Trainee is assigned to a class in a school. The class teacher is called a Class Mentor. They are responsible for guiding and supporting Trainees during their placements whilst they are in the classroom.

They meet weekly with the Trainee to discuss professional development, agree planning, set targets and arrange observations of lessons.

This support structure forms a cycle of continued improvement and evidence for the final assessment towards the Teachers’ Standards for Qualified Teacher Status.

Academic Mentors

Trainees on Generate Teaching Hub’s School-Based Teacher Training are allocated a mentor from Liverpool Hope University who is responsible for the liaison and quality assurance of provision and mentoring across a section of the partnership.

They will visit each Trainees in placement and ensure quality provision and parity in the assessment of trainees across the partnership. They are also known as LHU Tutors.

Group of primary school children in class

If you have any questions about the programme or application process please contact or call our team on 07897 280909.

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