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Wigan Maths Hub – Teaching for Mastery in Action

Jan 30, 2023

NW3 Maths Hub Wigan – Teaching for Mastery 

NW3 Maths hub is inviting schools in Wigan to attend the next Training for Mastery programme starting after February 2023 half term.

The NW3 Maths Hub is in their 9th year of supporting schools with mathematics. Their lead school has been on the Teaching for Mastery journey from the onset of Maths Hubs and they are pleased to invite colleagues to observe Teaching for Mastery in Action at St Mary and St Thomas CE Primary.

Whether you are already on your Teaching for Mastery journey or yet to start, seeing Teaching for Mastery in Action will provide you with the opportunity to reflect on your practice and see key features such as:

  • Whole class teaching.
  • A step-by-step journey towards deep understanding of a concept.
  • High expectations of mathematical language used by pupils.
  • A strong belief that all children can achieve.

Sessions are on:

  • Monday 27th February 2023 – 9.10am OR 1.00pm
  • Monday 6th March 2023 – 9.10am OR 1.00pm

Session will be held at St Mary and St Thomas CE Primary School (part of The Three-Saints Trust), Barton Close, St. Helen’s, WA10 2HS.

To attend please complete this google form.

Each person wanting to attend must complete a form.

For questions and correspondence please contact NW3 Maths Hub direct.

Maths Hub NW3 for Wigan
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