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Year 1 ECTs – April 2023 Cohort – March Update

Feb 29, 2024

Year 1 ECTs – April 2023 Cohort – March 2024 Update

This news page is for all Early Career Teachers who are started their ECF programme with Generate Teaching Hub in April 2023.

How can you plan a coherent curriculum?

As you enter the final half term of Year 1 of your ECF journey, you will be working through Module 6 – How can you plan a coherent curriculum?

You will take a closer look at curriculum design and the creation of a coherent curriculum for your pupils. Sequencing concepts, knowledge and skills across the curriculum is highly complex and challenging but, when done effectively has a massive impact on outcomes for pupils. 

Throughout the year, you have developed mental models with your pupils that they can link through a coherent curriculum.  Well done!

The final seminar of Module 6 will focus on supporting pupils to think critically.  Critical thinking is a key skill for everyone to develop. You will consider how knowledge supports critical thinking and how to support pupils to transfer learning. Something to think about…

  • What does this look like in your subject/phase?
  • How do you plan for critical thinking opportunities?

Looking forward to Year 2

Year 2 of the Teach First ECF Programme is subject/phase specific, allowing you to apply the knowledge and understanding from Year 1 to your own context.

You will have the opportunity to further develop your knowledge and skills by working alongside colleagues who teach the same subject or within the same phase as you.

Jen Hamer, our ECF Co-ordinator, will be contacting you to confirm your subject/phase to ensure that you are placed in the correct seminar groups – look out for her email.

For any questions about your training or the ECF offer from Generate Teaching Hub please contact

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