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Year 1 ECTs – September 2023 Cohort

Oct 16, 2023

Year 1 ECTs – September 2023 Cohort


This news page is for all Early Career Teachers who are started their ECF programme with Generate Teaching Hub in September 2023.


Generate Teaching Hub are excited to be joining you on your Early Career Teacher journey and supporting you through the training and development of the Early Career Framework.

It was lovely to see so many of you at your Induction Days! Over the next two years, you will have regular training seminars, self-directed study sessions and ongoing support from your Early Career Mentor.

All of this will enable you to be the best teacher you can be so you can contribute to the very best outcomes for your pupils.

Key Dates & Information

As well as being part of your school community, you are part of the Generate community. Generate Teaching Hub connects teachers across Halton, Warrington and Wigan and we are passionate about your professional development. We work with local leads in each area to ensure that your training meets your needs in terms of locality and context.

Jen Hamer (Halton), Jill Hodgson (Warrington) and Sarah Richardson (Wigan) have sent you dates and times for your training seminars.

Please ensure that these are shared with your headteacher and Induction Tutor as they will need to make provision for you to attend all of the sessions.

We do know that schools are very busy places and there are often conflicting priorities. However, the ECF is a statutory requirement and builds on your Initial Teacher Training, so it is essential that you attend all the sessions. If you have any questions, require any guidance or support then do get in touch. Our team details are at the start of this bulletin and alongside your local leads and the facilitators who will be leading your sessions, we are all here to help.

Training Content

Your ECF seminars for this month have been designed in conjunction with Teach First subject matter experts – Benjamin Riley and Jim Heal from Dean for Impact.

You may have been introduced to this organisation during your induction. Their aim is to shape teacher training and development to improve student outcomes. Their training is rooted in understanding the role that memory plays in learning, and subsequently how teachers can support the retention of knowledge.

Follow Benjamin Riley on Twitter to find out more @benjaminjriley.

For any questions about your training or the ECF offer from Generate Teaching Hub please contact

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