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Year 2 ECTs – November Update

Nov 22, 2023

Year 2 ECTs

This news page is for all Early Career Teachers who are starting their second year of the ECF programme with Generate Teaching Hub this term.

Term 4 is nearly complete!

We are almost at the end of the Autumn Term and heading towards the Christmas Break. However, we all know that between now and then there will be so much to do in school. Whether you work with very young children, adolescents or young adults it really is a magical time of year.

Amongst the “busyness” make sure you take the time to look back and reflect on how far you have come. You will also be meeting with your Induction Tutor to complete your next professional progress review so take this opportunity to celebrate your achievements and progress as a teacher.

Well done – Term 4 of your induction is almost complete! And a special CONGRATULATIONS to our January 2022 Cohort of ECTs who have almost completed their training and will be compiling their Final Assessment Form with their Induction Tutor – Well done!

Development Cycle 3: Using Meaningful and Memorable Explanations

After the Christmas Break, you will compete Development Cycle 3 of the ECT – Using Meaningful and Memorable Explanations.

During this cycle you enhance your understanding of the importance of committing key facts to pupils’ memories by making links to prior knowledge.

We all know how important prior knowledge is and how this supports the mental models our pupils hold. Building on from the work in Year 1 of the ECF, you will be familiar with using concrete examples to make abstract concepts meaningful and memorable. You will develop this further through the use of analogies.

Using Mnemonics

Finally, you will have the opportunity to practise making the steps in a process memorable by using mnemonics.

  • Which mnemonics do you use already?
  • How effective are they?
  • As an adult, how do you use mnemonics to help you?

Is Your Diary Up To Date?

Please ensure all the seminar dates and times are safely in your diaries!

Contact if you would like these resending.

Feedback Please!laughing

You should have received a personalised link from Teach First asking for feedback on the programme so far. This information is vital to the development and progression of the programme. Feedback received previously has helped us, and Teach First shape the programme to better suit teachers.

We would highly encourage you to complete this and as always, all feedback is welcome!

For any questions about your training or the ECF offer from Generate Teaching Hub please contact

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