A team of educational professionals working to fulfil the vision of connecting teachers to great professional development.
Generate Teaching Hub is driven by a specialist team of educational professionals, working to fulfil the vision of connecting teachers in Halton, Warrington and Wigan to great professional development.
View our people below and click on their images to contact them direct, or find us via our office details: 07897 280909 or email .
In this section →
Core Team
Central to the delivery of our programmes and to building local, sustainable partnerships are our local area leads. Key partners from each Local Authority works closely with Generate Teaching Hub to support the communication of professional development opportunities with local school leaders.
To make our service locally focused and to ensure the skills and expertise of local school leaders influences the delivery of Generate Teaching Hub services we commission facilitators for a number of services including training Early Career Teachers and their Mentors and for the National Professional Qualifications.
A list of our local facilitators will be included here shortly.
The work of Generate Teaching Hub is accountable to the Department for Education via the Warrington Primary Academy Trust Board of Trustees. For that reason we have appointed a focused group of leaders to be our Strategic Board; their remit is to ensure the Teaching School Hub delivers its objectives and utilises its resources in line with the terms of designation. Membership of the group is currently:
- Louise Smith, CEO, WPAT (Chair)
- Alastair Brown, WPAT Trustee (Risk Lead)
- Sue Cronin, Liverpool Hope University
- Emlyn Wright, Wigan Local Authority (Local Authority Representative)
For contact with the Generate Teaching Hub core or wider team please message for details.