04 Early Career Teachers

Information for Early Career Teachers

January 2025 cohort

This section is only relevant to ECTs who will be starting their ECF training in January 2025.

Firstly, welcome! We are proud to be supporting your Professional Development journey as you start the ECF training. We are pleased to confirm the venue and date for your Welcome Conference for year 1 of the ECF, below.




22nd January 2025

St Peter’s Pavilion, Hindley, Wigan, WN2 3DN

9.00am – 4.00pm

You will receive access to the online learning platform ‘Brightspace’ from the 12th December, or within 5 working days of your Induction Tutor registering you on the DfE portal.


ECF contact details

ECTs and mentors in their first year of the programme will receive cohort information directly from the Area Lead listed below. Please use these contacts if you are missing training dates.

Local Authority

Contact name

Email address


Jen Hamer



Jill Hodgson



Sarah Richards



ECTs in year 2 of the ECF, please see session dates here. If you are unsure of your cohort, or need links for your sessions, please email hub@wpat.uk.


Brightspace Progress Issue

From Teach First
We’re aware of a handful of programme members who have had issues with some of their progress not being saved on Brightspace.

Please make sure you use a stable internet connection when completing your modules on Brightspace as your progress won’t be able to save otherwise. If you have lost part of your progress due to an unstable connection this unfortunately means we won’t be able to retrieve this data. As a workaround, Brightspace recommends its users click through the different pages of the module while using a strong and stable internet connection to get the progress to save.

The platform provider has advised that a progress tracking issue on Brightspace might be due to school server settings or an active Virtual Private Network (VPN). Can you please reach out to your school IT Support team to check and ensure the following websites are whitelisted from their end: https://brightspace.com/ and https://learning.teachfirst.org.uk/ ? If you are using a VPN please try disabling it.


For any questions about your training or the ECF offer from Generate Teaching Hub please contact hub@wpat.uk.