07 Autumn Top News

Top news!

1. DfE Curriculum and Assessment Review – The review is seeking the views of young people, parents, teachers and leaders, education experts and employers on the strengths and weaknesses of the current system and how it can be improved. Click here to fill in this survey before the deadline on 22 November 2024

2. The EEF Guide to Pupil Premium – The EEF have updated their guide to the Pupil Premium and associated evidence brief to help you plan, implement, monitor and sustain an effective strategy.

3. Emerging Findings from the NPQ Review – The second interim report on Emerging Findings from the NPQ Evaluation has recently been published by the DfE.

4. Funded Training – Mentors Matter! – We are delighted to announce our brand new networking event ‘Mentors Matter!’ for new and experienced mentors. Book your place here.

5. Subsidised programmes for schools and early years settings – The EEF are subsidising programmes that have previously been successful in trial to show an increase in pupil attainment, now even more settings can benefit!

All other latest news, can be found here.