September 2024 Bulletins

A New Year

Bulletin: September 2024

At the start of a new academic year Generate Teaching Hub sends a warm welcome to the dedicated staff in trusts, colleges, schools and early years settings across Halton, Warrington and Wigan.

This short welcome bulletin highlights a few imminent opportunities as we all settle into our new term.

As the Department for Education’s designated Teaching School Hub for Halton, Warrington and Wigan, Generate Teaching Hub has another busy programme of professional development planned and ready. Every half term we will share a detailed bulletin, giving information on funded professional development opportunities for our area. For the latest updates see our News page or follow us through our Twitter or LinkedIn pages.



We are really excited to see all of the ECTs and mentors starting year 1, or heading into year 2 of the ECF at their Welcome Conferences over the next few weeks! ECTs and mentors should attend the conference within the Local Authority Area in which their school is based.

A quick message for Induction Tutors! If you have not yet registered your ECTs and mentors on the DfE portal, please complete this as soon as possible. ECTs and mentors will not receive access to the online learning platform ‘Brightspace’ without this registration. The link for the DfE portal is here.

All ECTs and mentors will receive seminar dates for the academic year from their key contact, who is listed below dependent on area and ECF stage. If you have not yet received these dates please get in touch with your key contact who will be more than happy to support.




Email Address

Halton Year 1

Jen Hamer

Warrington Year 1

Jill Hodgson

Wigan Year 1

Sarah Richards

Year 2 (all areas)

Jen Hamer



Thank you to all of our Induction Tutors and schools who have now registered with our Appropriate Body service (via ECT Manager) to support the statutory induction of their ECT. If you have an ECT who has started in September – they may be a brand new ECT or an ECT that is part way through their induction but is new to your school – they must be registered with an Appropriate Body. The deadline for Autumn Term registrations is fast approaching – 11th October so please do contact us if you need any help or support.

All Induction Tutors, ECTs and Mentors are warmly invited to our Appropriate Body Welcome Session on 18th September from 3.30pm-4.15pm. This will be an opportunity for you to find out more about the statutory induction process and your role within it.  Our team – Cath O’Neill (AB Co-ordinator and Named Contact), Jen Hamer (ECF Co-ordinator) and Deb Sharples (AB Lead) are looking forward to seeing you.

Important dates for your diary:

You will find a number of ‘Generate Guides’ within the Resources Section of ECT Manager to support you through the statutory induction process.  However, do get in touch if you have any questions or require any support.

Cath O’Neill – AB Phone Line – 07897280909



A very brief one in the world of NPQs! Application deadlines have been extended, although most funded places have now been allocated. We still have very limited funded places available for the below NPQs:


  • NPQH

  • NPQLL*

  • NPQEL*

*subject to eligibility

For all other NPQs, self-funded applications are open until the 29th September and you can find the best programme for you here. The costs of each NPQ are listed on our website here.


Annual Satisfaction Survey

As part of our designation with the Department for Education, we are required to collate some feedback from leaders across our local area.

Please could you spare 3-5 minutes to complete our annual satisfaction survey. You will have the opportunity to leave your details if you would like further contact on this, alternatively the survey is anonymous.

Thank you in advance!


Contact Us

To join our mailing list or ask for more details on any of our services, please contact or call our office on 07482581057.