Emerging Findings from the NPQ Evaluation

7 Oct 24

The second interim report on Emerging Findings from the NPQ Evaluation has recently been published by the DfE.

Emerging Findings from the NPQ Evaluation: Interim Report 2

Following the reforms to professional development and the introduction of the new suite of NPQs in 2021,CFE Research have undertaken a process and impact evaluation. The key aims of this evaluation are to understand how the reforms are being implemented and the effects of these programmes on leadership skills, teacher retention and progression, participants’ colleagues and school attainment.

The report highlights:

  • The growing awareness of NPQ reforms and the range of reasons for embarking on a programme – learning new knowledge and skills, improving pupil outcomes and increased knowledge of the latest evidence

  • That scholarship funding was crucial to many participants and the availability of DfE funding was the prime reason respondents chose to undertake a NPQ instead of other CPD

  • Satisfaction with NPQ content was fairly high amongst participants with the most valuable delivery method being face to face

  • The most commonly identified challenge for participants was balancing the time to complete their NPQ with their day-to-day role

  • The majority of participants self-reported improvements across all competencies. They could also identify short-term impacts that believed were a direct result of taking part in a NPQ programme

  • That NPQs raise staff aspirations

The full and final findings of the evaluation are due to be reported in 2026.