Mentors and Induction Tutors
The roles of mentors and Induction Tutors have very different purposes, and the roles must be completed by different members of staff in school. Where possible, mentors should not mentor more than one ECT at a time.
This role is suitable for an experienced teacher or middle leader.
The mentor role is there to support an ECT through their Induction. ECTs are entitled to weekly mentor discussions in year 1, and bi-weekly in year 2. The sessions should last around 1 hour and the content and guidance for sessions will be listed in the mentor handbook.
Mentors are entitled to two years of training, regardless of where the ECT is up to in their journey. The content and time commitment of mentor training can be found here.
Induction Tutors
This role is suited for a senior leader or Headteacher.
The Induction Tutor, also known as the Induction Lead or Coordinator, is responsible for the whole school’s ECF programme. This includes registering ECTs and mentors for their training and induction.
The role includes monitoring the progress of all ECTs and mentors and supporting them to access their training. Induction tutors will complete progress reviews and assessments each term, for each ECT using feedback from their designated mentor and evidence from ongoing school monitoring.